1/7/21, AO: Indigo Rebellion, QIC: IR PAX

AO: Indigo Rebellion Date: 1/7/21QIC: IR PAXPre Run 2.8 mi, @Slippers, @Pile Driver Warmup: 30 IC, SSH10 IC, Imperial Walkers 10 IC, Hillbillies 10 IC, Toy Soldiers10 IC, Grass Getters Stretch R,Lft, walk out to stretch calves 25 Merkins1/4 mi mosey to bricksThe Thang: “Baseline Boogie”Each pax lead in 2 exercises and then 1 mode of transport from base line to baseline and back to start. Round two each pax gets one exercise each.@Gandalf , 25 curls,  25 merkins, Lunges, Flutter Kicks 25 IC.@Pile Driver, 25 overhead press, 25 back flies, suicide, curl and arnold press 25IC.@Cardinal Law, 25 brick squats, 10IC Floyd Mayweathers, backwards suicides, 25 brick arm raises@Slippers, 25 IC starfish crunch w/ V up, 25 tricep extensions w/bricks, side hop suicides, Oblique crunches 25 both sides. @Covered Dish, 10Burpees, 25 LBC, $#!+ Brick, 25IC Freddie Mercury’s Put toys up, mosey to flag.Count and name – o- RamaAnoucments: @Pile Driver Bday QCOT:Burning Bridges, often thought to be a bad idea, @Covered Dish says use copious amounts of accelerant and watch them burn, if they lead to unfruitful relationships or time drags. Bridges to nowhere should be destroyed. We also talked about the difference our presence at the AO can make to other pax,  that we don’t realize.Finally discussed tuning out the noise and focusing on family, community and F3. Places where we can have a positive impact. Rely and trust in God!Prayers for Gwen, McClair Family, Lizzy, counyry peace and healing, Lords Prayer.Strong team work today men! We missed all our brothers that could not be with us today.SYITG! P.D.Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device