Pledge of allegianceWarm up loop around the parking lot dynamic warm up,walking Imperial walker, walking Hill Billy, Toy Soldier, but kickers & slowmosey All exercises ICScissor Jacks Arm circles3rd gradeMerkin
Legs 1 Min each X 3 RoundsHigh KneeThrusters w/blockR-Leg Bulgarian SquatL-Leg Bulgarian SquatFreddy MercuryLeg lift
Chest & Arms X 2 RoundsPop SquatDipsCurlsDerkinErkinSwimmer
QIC: HowitzerPAX: @Tugga, @Big DIF, @Pennsyltucky,@BelicheckCOT: Prayers for John Wager’sMom & all the F3 brothers
Legs 1 Min each X 3 RoundsHigh KneeThrusters w/blockR-Leg Bulgarian SquatL-Leg Bulgarian SquatFreddy MercuryLeg lift
Chest & Arms X 2 RoundsPop SquatDipsCurlsDerkinErkinSwimmer
QIC: HowitzerPAX: @Tugga, @Big DIF, @Pennsyltucky,@BelicheckCOT: Prayers for John Wager’sMom & all the F3 brothers
3rd F study is Friday morning 0730 at the Lowesgrocery. Check out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.
Beer summit Friday usually a 1700 start time.Check the #beer-summit channel for details.
Check #eastbound-and-down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Islandfor Ruck or Run.
0600 BC at #wile-e-coyote. Get an early start to your day or double down.Check out the #wile-e-coyote channel for details.