2/19/2022 AO: #wile-e-coyote QIC:Howitzer

AO: #wile-e-coyote

Q: @Howitzer

PAX: @Prius, @Fema, @BigDif, & @Spalding

Pledge of Allegiance

Sissor Jacks x15 IC

IPW x 10 IC

Hillbilly x10 IC

3rd Grade x10 IC

Slow Squat X10

Merkin w/ a pause x10 IC

Mt Climber x10 IC

Mosey to CMU’s & grab qty 2, head to the turf

Start one side, Farmers carry blocks to the other side doexercise & Farmers carry your blocks back to start point

Durkin x20

R- hand R-leg onblock Merkin x20

L- hand L-leg onblock Merkin x20

Abyss Merkin x 20

Erkin X20

Shoulder press x20

Upright Row x 20

Shrug x 20

Shoulder to shoulderx20

CMU swing x 20

Sumo Squat x 20

R-leg front to backlunge x 10

L-leg front to backlunge

Single leg squat x20 each leg

Dead lift x20

Lying down triceps extensionsx20

CMU preacher curlsX20

Dips X20

Around the worldcurls x20

Side tri rise x20each side

Finish w/ a round of Mary

Big boy situp w/ 4 count down x10 IC

Frogger sit-up x 10 IC

Crunchy Frog Crunch x 10 IC

Toe touch x10 IC

Swimmer x 10 IC

Flutter Kick x20 IC

Superman x 10 IC

Put CMU’s away & Mosey back to the flag


COT:  Prayers for all PAX& families, special prayer for Spalding caregiver for his parents.

Prayers for all the kid’s sports getting back into fullswing

Announcements: Stay tuned for Next Saturday Wheel ofMisfortune & the dreaded Hulk Smash Burpee!

·        Convergence for the 8year anniversary of F3Charleston 13 March planned for 0600 at SMI.

·        3rd F study friday0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Check out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.

·        Beer summit is backusually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit channel for details.

·        Check #eastbound anddown channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for Ruck

·        #wile-e-coyote 0600 Saturday hope to SYITG.