Wheel of Misfortune = start in the middle w/ 25 SSH, eachspoke of the wheel has an exercise return to the middle for 25 SSH & off tothe next spoke, goal is 2 roundsHulk Smash Burpee x 10 w/ 60 lb sandbagFlutter Kick x 50Thruster w/ CMU x 25Turkish get up w/ 10 LB weight x 10 each sideWeighted Ruck Merkin w/ 30 LB weight x25CMU swing x25Step up & back lunge x 15 each legCMU Squat x 50Jump rope x 100
QIC: HowitzerPAX: @Gator, @Belichick, @FEMA, @Big DIF, @Pennsyltucky
COT: Prayers for Gator’s New friend & family, Prayersfor Belichick’s Lt buddy & family, prayers for all armed forces heading toanother battle of uncertainty.
Announcements:· March 12 Convergence at the #thebridge 0600start time. 0500 Bad Decision, Really Bad Decision 0800.· Beltway is leading a 3rd F Bible study from 7-8:00pm. Meeting in the main building of TheExchange. Link to details:https://f3charleston.slack.com/archives/C5P3MTP4G/p1645562511381209· 3rd F study is Friday morning 0730 at the Lowes grocery. Checkout the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.· Beer summit this week usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer-summit channel for details.· Check #eastbound-and-down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivan’s Island for Ruck or Run.· 0600 BC at #wile-e-coyote. Get an early start to your day or double down. Check out the #wile-e-coyote channel for details.