Pax: 20 + 1 early out
Warm Up:
Cherry Pickers
30 merkins
20 crunchy frogs IC
10 Burpees
Smurf Jacks 15 IC
1 lap Indian run
The thang:
V up 100s
Crunchy Frogs
75 LBCs
2 min Plank
Mosey to back of stadium for:
100 box jumps
60 Hand release merkins
Stadium Steps
Mosey to brick pile:
60 curls
30-40 yd shit brick slide
Mountain climbers
30-40 yd shit brick slide
Shoulder presses 20 IC
25 Merkins
30-40 yd shit brick slide
25 Freedom Twists IC
30-40 yd shit brick slide
Return the bricks.
Talked about the importance of pushing yourselves to get better in all areas. not quitting before trying. Materialism. Relationships and how they mean more than tangible things.
Prayer request, prayer, Lord’s Prayer.
As I said in the COT, I really enjoyed The Gloom with you all this morning. I’m always impressed with the cyclone AO. Keep up the great work and continue pushing yourselves in all areas of your life! ~OG
John H. Clendaniel, ED.S
Orange Grove Charter School
(843) 763-1520 Phone
(843) 769-2245 Fax