6/12/21 The Hills of Park West

The Ryan Gosling

Warmup: Walk with leg warmups: High knee, Frankenstein, Hip Opener, Hip
Closer. Moseyto blocks.

The Thang: Carry all block/brick inventory to a soecified spot. Perform 47
IC flutter kicks. Grab more blocks. SC Urican, Merican SC x47. After all
blocks moved, IC Monkey Humpers x47.

Return all blocks home. Mosey to bleachers for calf raises, dip, squats,
Abyss Mericans. X10 each

Mosey to pullup bars. Combination pullups and dip bars to total 47.

Bernie Anthill for COT and refreshments.

PAX: LFD, HoundDog, Miyagi, Kid Rock, Junkyard Dawg, Spottail, Bob the
Builder, Slushfund, Tugga, Red Ryder, Upstate, GTTC, Little Wolf, Zig,
Sherpa, Prius, Stat, Free Willy, HelpDesk.

Birthday Q: Daisy

Moleskin: Its good for everyone to have something to do, even if its
moving a pile of rocks from point A to point B. Reference interview with
Ryan Gosling after his first hit movie.