Swamp Angel, 2/4/20, Miter

2/4/20 AO: #swampangel <f3charleston.slack.com/archives/C5Q30TYKC> Q: @miter <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UEGFVVCL9> PAX: 17 @Pickle <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UTB7VF01E> @Jibe <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UEU8MPSF3> @soa <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U5P3TH55L> @Headmaster <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U85E227QC> @Misdemeanor (Paul VanWagenen) <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U7E014QS3> @Faulkner <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U8DHZU42H> @vila <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U5LF1C62E> @7dust <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U5X22NBGW> @Red Tide <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UDVKKEKSR> @Urban <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UPKNXS622> @Softshell <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UGHK56PC0> @Washup <f3charleston.slack.com/team/U6JH468HZ> @snipped <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UCEAA4CCX> @Pee Dee <f3charleston.slack.com/team/UMSAZ1CKF> @Tilla <f3charleston.slack.com/team/USYS6F4V9> @panteen Warmup IC: 40 SSH 15 Imperial Walkers 30 arm circles 15 Grass Getter The Thang: 7 of Seven 1/4 mile legs, 4 work stations per leg, 3/4 pace run station to station. Leg 1: 7 burpees x 4 Leg 2: 14 merkins x 4 Leg 3: 21 flutterkicks IC x 4 Leg 4: 28 squats x 4 Leg 5: 21 flutterkicks IC x 4 Leg 6: 14 merkins x 4 Leg 7: 7 burpees x 4 Totals: 2m run 56 burpees 112 merkins 112 squats 336 flutterkicks Strong work men, way to grind it out and finish. Announcements: 2/8 Basketball 2/22 Oyster Roast 3/14 Convergence IR 3/21 BBQ Go here f3holycity.com/events/ <f3holycity.com/events/> Pledge of Allegiance COT/Prayer