Parkwest 2/21/20 Q-Howitzer

AO: Park West Friday 2/21/20
6 PAX braved the cold & now have stronger legs!
Pledge of Allegiance
Warm up
Side Straddle hop x 25 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
4 count Squat x 15 IC
Hillbillies x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC
Mosey to benches by Rec building
Single leg Bulgarian Squat x 15 each leg
Speed skater squat x 25 each leg
Wall sit
Step up w/ step down reverse lunge x 10 each leg
3 way lunge x 5 each leg
Single leg wall sits alt legs every 10 seconds
Single leg dead lift x 25 each leg
Sneaky lunge down & back
Wall sit
Mosey to p/u bars
Wide arm pull ups x 10
Merkin x 25
Reverse grip pull up x10
Wide are Merkin x 25
Close grip over hand pull up x 10
Dimond merkin x 25
Rinse & repeat p/u Mekin round
Mosey up the bleachers for calf raises
Toes in x 15
Feet parallel x 15
Toes out x 15
Single leg x 15 each
Rinse & repeat calf raises
Mosey back to flagpole for Mary
Freddy Mercury x 15 IC
Spartan sit ups x 10 IC
Pretzel sit up x 15 IC each side
Flutter kicks x 25 IC
Heel touches x 15 IC
Heels to the heavens x 15

Qic: @Howitzer

Pax: @Fema, @Tugga, @Prius, @Big Dif and @Bocephus