#parkwest 2/26/2020 Q: Big DIF

#parkwest Wednesday Workout 2/26/2020

Solid work by all this morning!!

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm up

Side straddle hops x 15 IC

Imperial Walker x 15 IC

3rd grade exercises x 15 IC

Stretch and hold right then left

Merkins x 15 IC

Mosey to the Tennis courts

First round:

Burpee broad Jumps to the first doubles line and Bernie back × 10
Merkins SC at each line.

Burpee broad Jumps to the second doubles line and Bernie back × 15
Merkins SC at each line.

Burpee broad Jumps to the third doubles line and Burnie back × 20
Merkins SC at each line.

Second Round:

Lunges to the first doubles line and Burnie back × 10 Monkey humpers
IC at each line.

Repeat at line 2 and 3 x 15 IC and x 20 IC.

Third round:

Run to first doubles line and back × 10 Big boy situps SC at each line.

Repeat at line 2 and 3 x 15 SC and x 20 SC

Mosey to the CMU’S

Grab 1 CMU and head to the Football field

Line up on the endzone

CMU exercises x 10 IC


Overhead press

Soul Train

Shoulder to shoulder

Carry block to the first light post then Burpee block Jumps x 10 OYO

Carry block to the second light pole then Alternating block Merkins x 10

Carry block to the end zone then durkins x 10 IC.

Repeat CMU exercises

Carry block to the to the first light post then in and outs x 10 IC

Carry block to the second light post then spartan situps x 10 IC

Mosey to the Pull-up bars

2 sets of 10 pull ups, 1P Burpies x 10 and 20 Merkins SC

Put away CMU’S

Mosey back to the flag

COT: Prayers for @doughboy’s Farther in law as he is battling pancreatic
and Stomach cancer.

Qic: @Big DIF

Pax: @doughboy, @howitzer, @bumble bee, @tugga and @f3dirtybird

Extra credit: @f3dirtybird


3rd F study meets 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Currently
reading chapter 6 of Forgotten God By Francis Chan. Reach out to Tugga for
additional information.

F3 Hike more to come initially scheduled for 17-19 April. 6 HC’s who will
be next… POC’s @LFD and @The_Soprano.

March 14 Convergence at indigo.rebellion.Link below:

Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)
E-Mail: F3bigdif@gmail.com