Indigo Rebellion 5-16-20 QIC: @Pile driver

Indigo Rebellion, May 16, 2020, Pile Driver*QIC:* @Pile Driver *PAX:* @linedrive, @Ray Finkle @Hawkeye, @Covered Dish, @Toxic, @Slippers,@Dave_Ramsey, @Regulator, @Pile Driver, @Cardinal Law @Rat , @Capt Ron @Scrum @Hawkeye @warrior @lastblood @Rocky Missed you guys: @GlowPop, @Ducktails , @Papa, @Also Ryan, @Hatchet, @pigpen, @Crab Trap and others….__________________*Warm-up:*SSH 25 ICIMPERIAL WALKERS 15 ICHILLBILLIES 15 ICGRASS GETTERS 10 ICStretch into 10 merkinsStretch hammies, calves back etc 2min.___________________*The Thang: *Burpee Mile. Run a mile stopping 5 xs doing 10 Burpees each time, SSH while you wait on pax if you finish early11s  Pullups and DerkinsSmall mosey to blocks and then to BBall CourtAround the world push ups 10 each direction 40 total merkinsReverse lunges 50 total count each legBlockies 10 totalBig Boys 20 LT’s 10 ICFlutter Kicks (papa style, hands on waist) 25 ICDips on block (small end) 20Put blocks up mosey Back to FlagDouble Boom while wait for @HawkeyePledge of AllegianceCount, namaromma Announcements, TAPs, COT__________________Announcements:–Swim Sunday at the Garrison (Awesome)–Send off party for capt. Ron at LT’sTAP’s–Ramsey family –Covered Dish wife Gwen through battle with breast cancer….praise report has not spread!!! Huge thanks to Hawkeye’s wife for all of her love and support –Royal Flush mother in TN who had a stroke–#Prayer-Request channel and many unspoken prayersCOT:PHILLIPIANS 4: 6-7Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, through prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your request to God and God’s peace which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!Take full advantage of this Awesome promise from God!!Close with a word of prayer including the Lord’s Prayer. Great Work from all my brothers and sisters today, I am proud to be a part of such an Awesome group!!!