Park West Hump Day Workout 6/17/2020
3 strong showed this morning!!
Pledge of Allegiance
Warm up
Side Straddle hops x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey to the Tennis courts
First round:
Sprint to the first doubles line and Bernie back × 10 Merkins SC at
each line.
Repeat each doubles line
Second Round:
Lung to first doubles line × 10 Monkey humpers then Burnie back × 10
Monkey humpers x 10 IC
Third Round
Sprint to the first doubles line and sprint back × 10 in and outs SC at
each line.
Mosey to the track for 3 corners
Corner 1
10 Burpies
Corner 2
Monkey humpers
Flutter Kicks
Corner 3
Monkey humpers
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to the stadium stairs
Calf raises x 10 IC
Both legs
Right leg up
Left leg up
Squats x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Mosey to the Ant Hill. Bernie up to each tier with exercises below:
Tier 1 10 Monkey humpers x 10 SC
Tier 2 Iron Mikes x 10 IC
Tier 3 Squats x 10 IC
Tier 4 merkins x 10 SC
Repeat hill climb with
Tier 1 big boy situps x 10 SC
Tier 2 spartan situps x 10 SC
Tier 3 flutter kicks x 10 IC
Tier 4 merkins x 10 SC
Repeat hill climb with
Tier 1 Burpies x 10 oyo
Tier 2 T stop Merkins x 10 SC
Tier 3 Carolina dry docks x 10 SC
Tier 4 merkins x 10 SC
Mosey to the flag
Side straddle hops x 10 IC
COT: Continued prayers for @doughboy’s father in law as he continues his
battle with Cancer. Prayers for @miyagi as he is dealing with the loss of
his father. Continued prayers for @tk as he continues recovery from ankle
Qic: @Big DIF
Pax: @Serpa (Respect), Rajin Cajan (2.0)
3rd F study meets 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Check
out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.
Beer summit is back at the Mellow mushroom 🍄 usually a 1700 start time.
Check the #beer summit channel for details.
Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)