AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho Q: HBC 5 PAX started at 0400 today…

AO: Early Bird 🦅 Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: Otto, Body Karate, Greenhorn, Screech, and YHC for the Q!

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 15 (IC), Asphault Grabbers 10 (IC), Hillbillies
10 (IC), SSH’s 25 (IC), and Stretch 2 minutes

The Thang:

25 8-Count Body-Builders

40 Bonnie Hammers

50 HBC’s w/ Pavers

100 Crossjacks

100 Overhead Press w/ Pavers

100 Curls w/ Pavers

100 Starfish Crunches

150 Freddy Mercuries

150 Flutterkicks

200 LBC’s

About 4-5 Small Loop Mosey’s

Did we also do 100 Tricep Extensions…?????

Prayer Requests:

Screech and the passing of his father

Greenhorn’s Dad

Uber’s Aunts son (???)

Chubbs wife’s brother had brain surgery

Covered Dish

Dave Ramsey

Nacho Libre w/ surgery & issues w/ job & insurance


Discussed the impact Screech had on me, and some of the others at DeltaEcho
with him and the ability to have given the sermon at his Dad’s funeral

#ATD!! As if it were your last day

