Indigo Rebellion, 9/22/2020, Q: Swinger

*QIC:* @swinger

*PAX:* @galdalf, @vila, @covered dish, @hatchet, @Dave_Ramsey, @hawkeye,
@Rockey, @Slippers, @toxic, @swinger

Missed you guys: @Also Ryan, @glowpop, @Pile Driver, @blade, @ducktales,
@Papa, @regulator, others…



30x Burpees

Loop to the playground

11s of Burpees and Leg Lunges


*The Thang: *

I tried to get through a workout I have been repeating recently with
circuits of 3 exercises, 1 heavy and 2 light, to continually work. I
normally do 4 Rounds of 3 Exercise, 3 Sets a piece. But we only got though
about half of it today. I added the others with the set count (e.g. 0 sets)
done today for reference. The focus is on balance so good form and high
reps are intended.

1st Round (3 Sets):

Merkins (bench press if weights are available) 20xIC

Squats (on upside down Bosu ball if available) 20xIC

Single-leg Calf Raises 20xIC hold the last one for 10 count

2nd Round (3 Sets):

Ruthies (incline bench press if weights are available) 20xIC

V-Ups 20xIC

Single-leg Dead Lifts with Military Press (bricks) 10xIC

3rd Round (1 Set):

Squats (pushing weight if available) 20xIC

Derkins 15xIC

Tricep Extensions 15xIC

4th Round (0 Sets):

Dead Lifts 10x

Shoulder Raises (Side and Front) 10x

Shoulder Shrugs 10x

Back to Flag

Pledge of Allegiance

Count, Namarama, Announcements, TAPs, COT



Edge of Glory on 10/10: at least 1 IR team being formed to defend belt
from 2019

New Recovery AO (devoid running) on Fridays at 5:20am on James Island
(Round About Spot)

Optional UHP Stretching Routine following BC: Several stayed after for
this flexibility work today and will continue to add this option when
possible, so all are welcome. Best to routinely execute 2x daily or more
Goggin’s style.


Hatch’s adoption

Ramsey family (this week their beautiful baby would have been born)

Covered Dish wife Gwen surgery on Monday 9/28

#Prayer-Request channel and many unspoken prayers


Reading the book, “Becoming a King” by Moran Snyder – one of John
Eldredge’s team members at Wild at Heart. He posed the question:

What’s not working?

We are to take inventory on what in our life is out of sorts and to think
about the reason(s). Keep in mind our goal is to get better, restored and
redeemed. We have to look inward and excavate – then we can receive the
healing we need to get better.

*Great to be back at the IR, brothers! +Swinger*