AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho Q: Q-orama

AO: Early Bird 🦅 Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: Otto, Body Karate, Screech, & HBC

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC) and SSH’s 25 (IC)

The Thang:

10 Block Jump Burpees

10 3-Count Squats (wide, middle, narrow)

20 HBC’s

20 Burpees

1 minute walk-sit w/ 45 Ray Lewis’s

100 Yard Shit Brick 🧱 Slide

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

125 Curls w/ Pavers

100 Freedom Twists

100 Curl & Press w/ Pavers

50 Tricep Extensions w/ Pavers

50 Tricep Kickbacks w/ Pavers

100 SSH’s

100 Freddy Mercuries

100 LBC’s

And a lot of small mosey’s…

Great work today!

Prayer Requests:

Nacho Libre & consultation w/ attorney for back issues

My back

Covered Dish’s wife & family

The state of our Country in certain areas.


Almost identical COT as yesterday so left it here…

Discussed the issues going on today, discussed my anger inside of those
following in line with false information & subconsciously supporting
Marxist & Socialistic driven organizations.

Our freedoms & liberties as we know it are being taken from us, and people
are just ok with it….

I’m not…, and I’m not ok with those that see otherwise. Praying that God
provides the path that is clear…

#ATD!! As if it were your last day

