AO: Delta Echo, Q: Johnny Utah

13 men enjoyed a beautiful morning preparing their bodies for candy season. Great to have some new faces with us today, you guys are welcome back anytime!
Pax: @Screech @Bandit@HVAC@vila @mooch @Nick@Betty Crocker@Teen Wolf@Landline@credit_check@leachate@swampfox
Ssh: 40x
Imperial Walkers: 10x
Concrete grabbers: 10x
Mtn. climbers: 10 IC
Merkins: 10 IC
Indian run

Thang: Trick or Treat (mostly, pretty much only, tricks)
-10 8-count body builders IC
-50 squats
-25 squat jumps
-15 second Harbaugh
-20 burpees
-30 crunchy frogs IC
-Brick slide to tree and back
-10 HBC’s IC
-20 military merkins
-25 ski abs IC
-20 American hammers w/ blocks IC
-30 curl and press IC
Dora: 100 hand release Merkins
100 overhead press
100 flutter kicks

“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭12:25-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬
If Delta Echo was to disappear tomorrow, would the community of West Ashley feel a loss? Would they miss us? As Jesus says in John 12 above, we are called to lay down our lives for Christ and to have such a passion for Him that we hate our life in this world in comparison. This is a call to servanthood so my question for our pax is do you value your own pleasure over serving others? I know I do and it’s things like F3 or fostering or helping @BettyCrocker move that remind me that life shouldn’t be all about me. My prayer for Delta Echo is that we would be so changed by our love for Christ that we would be a group of men that cares more about serving others than we do thinking about ourselves. If that happens then West Ashley will feel it and the kingdom will grow. Challenge: spend some time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where your passions are and where you can grow in serving others.