0500 Park West RED Friday Workout 11/06/2020
6 strong braved the 💨🛌 this morning and got better!!
Pledge of Allegiance
All exercises in Cadence unless noted:
Warm up:
Side Straddle hops x 14
Imperial Walker x 15
Michael Phillips x 10
3rd grade exercises x 10
Merkins x 15
Mosey to the Stadium football field
Line up on the back of the end zone
Partner up Follow the leader to mid field one pax Alternating bear crawl
and Merkins x 10 stopping at lite pole then continue to mid field
Exercises x 10 IC
Flutter kicks
Spartin situps
Continue Follow the leader with lungs and Monkey humpers x 10.
T stop Merkins
Monkey humpers
Burpees broad jumps to the light pole Exercises x 10 IC unless noted
Crunchy 🐸
In and Outs
Big boy situps SC
Burnie to the next light pole
T-Stop Merkins
Monkey humpers
Bear crawl to the endzone then mosey to the Track cutout
Merkins x 10 IC
T-Stop Merkins X 10 IC
Jack Webb’s x 5
Mosey to the Pull-up bars
10 Pull-ups
20 Merkins
30 squats
Grab CMU’S and head to the football field
Exercises x 10 IC unless noted
Block hop Merkins
Alternating block Merkins
Gost Monkey humpers
Rifle carry to the light
Clean and Jerk
Overhead press
Shoulder to shoulder
Split up partner farmers carry and bear crawl back to the end zone
Clean and Jerk
Overhead press
Shoulder to shoulder
Switch places on farmers carry and bear crawl
Block hop Merkins
Alternating block Merkins
Gost Monkey humpers
Mosey to the Flag
6 minutes with Mary
Barter kicks @red ryder
Merkins led by @FEMA
Moutain Climbers led by @Prius
RPP led by @ Howletzer
EC: @FEMA, @F3Dirtybird
Qic: @Big DIF
Pax: @red ryder (Respect x 2) @Prius (Respect), @FEMA, @Howletzer,
Prayers for our leaders as they continue the election process and prayers
for the unity ofour country as we await the results.
Red Friday Workout bring in donations for overseas troops continue
collecting until Dec 5th.
3rd F study is 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Check out
the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.
Beer summit is back usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit
channel for details.
Check #eastbound and down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or Run.
Blood drive November 21 tentative date more to follow contact @Daisy for
additional details.
Travis Mannion event Late November out at the Park West Track see
@Howletzer for details.
Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)
E-Mail: F3bigdif@gmail.com