AO: Indigo Rebellion Q: @Pile DriverDate: 12/15/20Pax: @also ryan, @Gandalf, @slippers, @covered dish, @hatchet, @pile driverWarmup:10IC Hillbillies 10IC Imperial Walkers 10IC arm cirlcles f/r30IC SSH10IC Grass GettersStretch L,C,R25 Merkins.Indian Run to the cuponsThe Thang “Jack Frost”25IC curls FTG25IC overhead press25 Big Boys25 squats1/4mi mosey25IC flutter kicks w/ cupon25IC close grip press with the cupon15IC freedom twist with cupon.Lunge across and back on bb court.1/4 mi mosey.25 squats to block25 dips25IC starfish crunch25 Big BoysReturn cupon…but wait there’s more 11’s pull ups and derkinsMosey to flagPledge 🇺🇸COT: “…reach out, reach out and touch someone 🎶”After a decent stretch of missing him, it was Great to have @cardinal law back today!!! We spoke and prayed for him at the AO, but I failed to reach out to him directly and check on him. It made me think how important this small thing can be. I have really appreciated when brothers have reached out to me with a quick text or a phone call. Recently our brother @otto sent me a message to see if everything was ok. This simple geature means a lot and you never know, It might open a dialogue. As men we tend to take on a lot and not share our feelings, disappoint, struggles etc. One of the most Awesome things about F3 is having brothers to lean on, an outlet to share with others who have your back. This spurred me to thought and thought to action, let’s each reach out to one brother this week; just a little reminder that we miss them and hope to see them soon!Anoucments: Toy drive, see @covered dish, last day this Thursday 17th.Mini Convergengence Christmas Eve @ #Wiskeyalpha.Prayers: @covered Dish M, Gwen, @slippers friend Mr Green. Praise for healing @cardinal law and M.Lords PrayerGreat Work Men!P.D.Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device