QIC: @Porkbelly
PAX: @deathbenefit @dabo @mickeymouse @slimshady @Rat @Weed @shasta
@polygon @soa @bloomer @shortsale @tilla @michigan @capsize
Cool beautiful morning
Grassgetter x 15
Mosey to Pull-up bar for 3 sets AMRAP
The Thang:
Indian run on track, run on bleachers, with stops each lap for curls,
overhead press, tricep extensions, freedom twists, Freddie Mercury, flutter
kicks- all with CMU
11’s Derkins and Dips
Abs with @shortsale and @polygon
5 Burpees OYO
2 Timothy 2:23-25
23Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that
they breed quarrels. 24And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind
to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25correcting his
opponents with gentleness.
Now more than ever, the ability to speak truth in love is extremely
important. Let us be leaders by carefully processing information and news
we receive and not spread lies, untruths, start quarrels or add fuel to the
fire by engaging in foolish talk. There has been a lot of mental anguish
during these months of isolation, reach out to brothers you haven’t seen in
a while or worked out with. Be patient with those around you as we are all
fighting unseen battles. I pray that we will be true leaders in our
community and have the courage to lovingly speak truth to those who peddle
lies designed to stoke fear and outrage. Great to be back with all of you
and I am grateful for the F3 brotherhood.
Dr. Dre and his recovery from aneurysm