Fwd: IR 2/20/21 8 PAX Hawkeye Q

> 8 PAX @honeybunn @gandolf @slippers @piledriver @rat @algore @hawkeye @covereddish
> warmup arm circles forward and back, reach for the stars. stretch RCL
> thang
> 50 pullups, 2 x 50 merkins, 2x 50 squats
> 50 LBC, 25 flutters, plank, 25 freddies, 25 reverse abs, 25 each side obliques, aboramma x 8 sets,
> Pledge
> Prayers for Elias and Slippers sister in Texas, prayers for the Nation and those in tribulation due to the winter storm
> Lords Prayer on a knee
> The day has been Conquered!
> Hawkeye