Wile E Coyote 9/18/21 Q Big DIF

0600 #wile-e-coyote Workout 9/18/2021

6 strong showed this morning!!

Pledge of Allegiance

Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:

Warm up:

Side Straddle hops x 15

Imperial Walker x 10

Third grade exercises x 10

Big boy situps x 10 SC

Merkins x 1O

Mosey to the Piers markers every 3rd pier suicide modes of transportation
ad exercises SC unless noted

1st set 🐻 crawl down Bernie back Merkins x 10 SC at all 3 stops 60
total Merkins

2nd Set Burpee broad jumps down Bernie back x 10 🐒 🐫 (60 total)

Third set run together every 3rd pier exercises x 10 below IC unless noted

Stop # 1

Crunchy 🐸

In and outs

Big boy situps

Stop # 2

Iron mikes

🐒 🐫

Sumo Squats

Stop # 3


T 🛑 Merkins

Jack Webb’s

Mosey to the palm 🌴 trees

Weave between the palm every 3rd tree stop for exercises 3 then 6 then 9.

1st run Burpees

2nd run Iron mikes

3rd run Spartin situps

Mosey to the curb for circle Merkins x 10 SC shuttle down and back 6 stops
(60 Merkins)

Mosey Back to the flag!!

Barter kicks

Qic: @Big DIF

Pax: @Tugga, @fema, @f3dirtybird, @Bocephus and @Slush Fund


Prayers for guidance throughout our day and the wisdom to make sound


Week 3 IPC events TBD…Check link below tomorrow for upcoming week 3
challenge: f3greenwood.com/.

3rd F study meets 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery.
Currently going through CS Lewis’s the great divorce. Check out the
#the-hills-3rdf channel for details.

Beer summit is back usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit
channel for details.

Check #eastbound and down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island.

Edge of Glory relay trial run 🏃‍♂️. Need 4 man team looking to
participate for the North Beast side. Winning team will participate in the
regional finals on 9/29/2021. More to follow.. reach out to @Big DIF if
you’re interested.

Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)
E-Mail: F3bigdif@gmail.com