Park West 10/23/2021 Q: Big DIF

0700 Park West Saturday Workout 10/23/2021

7 strong showed this morning!!

Pledge of Allegiance

Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:

Warm up:

Side Straddle hops x 10

Imperial Walker x 10

Hillbillies x 10

⛰ Climbers x 10

Merkins x 10

Mosey to the fence exercises x 10 IC




Mosey to the Jr. Hill. Burnie up then :burpee: x 5 OYO Regular down then
:Merkin: x 5


Mosey to the Curb

Lunges to the island exercises x 10 IC

Iron mikes



🐻 crawl to the curb then

Crunchy 🐸

In and outs

Big boy situps

Mosey to the Big Hill

Hill suicide exercises x 5 OYO

iron mikes

:Merkins: at bottom


Mosey to the trail head

Jack Webb’s x 5

Mosey to the benchs Exercises x 10 IC unless noted

🐒 🐫

Calf raises x 10 SC

Single leg squats right x 5 IC Then left x 5 IC

Bear crawl by 2’s down the ally

Lunges to the piling

Sprintvto the cypress tree

Mosey to the Wall exercises x 10

Wall Jumps OYO

Step ups right then left leg

👻 🐒 🐫




In and outs

Freedom twists

Mosey to the field of dreams

:burpee: broad jumps to the popular 🌳


T 🛑 :Merkins:

Lunges to the head

Iron mikes

Money humpers

Burnie to the fence

Mosey to the curb the Calf raises

Mosey to the :cinderblocks: grab one Mosey to the parking lot

Rifle carry to the cross walk exercises x 10

Whirl-e-bird :burpee: OYO

Abyss Merkins IC

Rifle carry to the Create Myrtle 🌳

👻 🐒 🐫

Block hops

Rifel carry back block exercises x 10 IC listed below


Overhead press

Shoulder to shoulder

Clean and press

Put the:cinderblocks away then Mosey to the flag.

Qic: @Big DIF

Pax: @Prius (Respect), @Miyagi (Respect), @Red_Ryder (Respect), @tugga,
@FEMA, Jason Boyd FNG named @lone star Welcome!!


Continued Prayers for @Miyagi’s friend Storm as he continues recovery from
COVID-19. Prayers for @Tugga’s friend Jill as She recovers from COVID-19.


@Haolie will be leading us on Tuesday 0530 boot camp.

Greenway Gitty-up comming in November date TBD

December convergence I am assuming it will be December 4th but will
verify with @daisy and update.

3rd F study friday 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Check
out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.

Beer summit is back usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit
channel for details.

Check #eastbound and down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or Run.

Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)