strong showed this morning!!
Pledge of Allegiance
Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:
Warm up:
Side Straddle hops x 10
Imperial Walker x 10
3rd Grade exercises x 10
:spider: :monkey::man_in_business_suit_levitating:x 10
:Merkin: x 10
Wolverine x 10 OYO
Mosey to the fence exercises
:bank: :pirate_flag: :Burpees: x 10 OYO
:bank: :pirate_flag: :Burpees: x 10 OYO
Mosey to the :football: field with one block
10 thrusters :burpee: broad jump 10 the 10 yard line 10 :burpee: Burnie
10 thrusters :bear: crawl to the 20 yard line 20 plyo :merkin: Bernie back
10 thrusters Lunges to the 30 yard line 30 Lt. Dans Burnie back
10 thrusters Sprint to the 40 yard line 40 big boy situps Bernie back 10
Mosey to the :ant: hill exercises x 10
Bernie up Iron mikes on each tier :monkey: :camel: on the bottom.
Bernie up Big boy situps on each tire Flutter kicks on bottom
:burpee: at bottom Bernie up :merkin: each tier. 2 tiers only
Mosey to the Flag for
Qic: @Big DIF
Pax: @Prius, (Respect), @Mike Torrence-Voltage (Respect), @Gator,
@Belichick, @daisy, @Hound Dog, @Gabe Moser, @Pennsyltucky, @Bob the
Builder @Boomer
COT: Prayers for Pax as they go throughout their day. Give us wisdom and
help us to discern Gods will in our lives.
Windward Home for Boys Project 2 April after BC. Need help installing a
3rd F study friday 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes grocery. Check
out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details.
Beer summit is back usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit
channel for details.
Check #eastbound and down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or :man-running:
Check #wile-e-coyote 600 Saturday hope to SYITG. 0430 – 0515 Thursdays.
0600 Saturday’s.
Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)