AO: Early Bird Special at Delta Echo Q: HBC backblast

AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: 6; TableSaw, Otto, WhatCanBrownDoForYou (WCBDFY), Gazuntite, Rat, and YHC

Warm-up: .25 mile mosey

The Thang:

35 LBT Flips (Individual)

33 MFT Flips (2 PAX)

40 HBC’s

40 Air Traffic Controllers

50 Burpees

150 Paver Curls

150 Tricep Extensions

150 Freddy Mercuries

150 Flutterkicks

Interval running between 1-1.5 miles

Total Reps 798 w/ interval running between 1-1.5miles!! Good work guys!

Prayers & Announcements: #prayer-request channel on Slack

COT: Discussed the Core Value of Commitment from the Navy. Be Committed to have a relationship w/ God, be Committed to your wife and family, be Committed to doing a great job at your work, be Committed to the PAX at your AO’s and be Committed to doing your best at all things. Talked about the Commitment it takes to be disciplined to get out of your comfort level and to Double-Down on BC’s or even being Committed enough to embracing the suck of starting a workout at 0400 because it’ll make you and others around you better!