Indigo Rebellion, 10/08/19, Toxic

QIC: @toxic

PAX: @swinger, @glowpop, @cardinallaw, @piledriver, @slippers, @ducktails



SSH x 30 IC

Burpees x 11

Grasshopper Merkins x 10 (right leg lifted), x 10 (left leg lifted)

Big Boys x 25

Grass Grabbers x 10 IC


The Thang:

11s – Box Jumps and Squats

1 mile run with partner – one partner runs with cinder block and passes onto other partner when fatigued. Teams stop every 200m and EACH partner performs the following exercises:

Lap 1 -25 merkins, 50 arm curls w/ blocks (2x)

Lap 2 – 25 Bonnie Blairs, 50 Squats (2x)

Lap 3 – 25 Freedom Twists, 50 Flutter Kicks (2x)

Lap 4 – 25 Cinder Block Rows, 50 Caroline Dry Docks (2x)



All of us have situations in life where we worry and stress constantly. In these situations, we typically have 2 options:

  1. Stress and Worry which means we are trying to control the situation….OR
  2. PRAY and let God control the situation

Let’s allow God to control more situations. In my experience, we’re better off with him in charge rather than ourselves. I challenge us men this week to take a deep breath and say a quick prayer whenever one of these stressful situations arise.


· The F3 men of Indigo Rebellion have begun reading the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. Chapter 1 to be complete by Saturday, 10/19/19; Coffeeteria at Sunrise Bistro after the 7am post to discuss. Swinger brought copies of the books, Toxic will have more on Thursday.


· Continue to pray for all of the F3 men going through financial constraints/injuries/relationship struggles/etc.

· Pray for Slippers and his family as they travel to Niagara Falls




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