Polar Vortex Q
8 men braved the frozen tundra and winds at Delta Echo this morning, but they didn’t stay cold for long.
Pax: @Bandit, @hvac, @creditcheck, @hokiepokey, @screech, @wcbdfy, @bettycrocker
QIC: @johnnyutah
Ssh: 50 ic
Concrete pickers: 10 ic
Merkins: 10 ic
Windmills: 10 ic
Indian Run big loop
Ascending Curb Crawl: Starting position Bear Crawl facing opposite curb. BC to other side, turn & place feet on curb to complete one Derkin, crawl back and complete two Derkins, continue to 10.
Partner up for DORA: 100 American Hammers IC, 200 Merkins, 300 Big Boy Sit-ups, & 400 squats. Once complete, partners run big loop together and exchange praise and one prayer requests, commit to lift it up this week.
COT: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 1 0:23-25 NIV
Our relationship with Christ is personal. It’s a relationship we build through prayer and through spending time reading the Bible; come judgement day it will be between us and God. But he also created us to be in community, he calls us here to do life together. It’s so easy to take a week off from church, it doesn’t seem like a big deal at all to miss small group, but if we’re not guard this can become a slippery slope. We easily justify other things over church like kid’s sports or being out of town all the time, and it’s nearly impossible to notice a change but when we begin to put our own desires first it becomes easy to justify anything. We need to be around other believers- there is power in encouraging one another, in spurring one another on towards love and good deeds. Is not F3 a great example of this? Sure, it’s easy to miss and to “give up meeting together”, but look at how we grow individually when we just show up. We encourage one another and push each other to grow collectively and we see individual results. The same is true in our Christian walks as well. We don’t have to live in a Christian bubble, but we do need to be around other believes to grow. Challenge yourselves this week to see where you have prioritized church and/or small group and whether you need to commit to saying no to your own desires and yes to showing up.