What do we need as men? I know what you are thinking, and no I am not referring to our basic elemental needs: water, food & sex for survival. As men, we need to lead and be led at times. For thousands of years, men have led and been led in whatever endeavor, whether it be survival, war, building, family, you name it. It’s in our nature and I believe it to be endowed by our Creator.
YHC was approached at the end of last year and asked to consider serving in the Nantan role for the new term. I wanted to consider it first, not to decline it, but to ponder what F3 meant to me and how serving in this position would allow me to grow as well as serving the F3 community I have been a part of since 2015. When I found F3, I was looking for it. I wanted to be part of a fitness-oriented community in order to maintain and improve my physical fitness while being accountable in that endeavor. I have found more success over the years when having a training partner. That person helps motivate, lifts me when I’m down, makes sure I get out of bed and meet for training. After my brother in law told me about this group of men that meet early in the morning, I thought that was great. But then I purveyed the website, watched the videos and immediately wondered if this is for me. I built up preconceived notions, found excuses not to go. He was far away in Myrtle Beach while the AO was less than a mile away from me. So if I was going, I would have to go alone. I went one day, and with the leadership of LFD, Bobber, Dirtybird, Marco and others, what after what seemed like an intense and almost impossible exercise session, I became part of the community, just like that. I felt the sincerity of these men and actually wanted to come back for more.
So what we have in F3 is a body of leadership, whether it be in an official position or not, you can see why it’s important to be a leader. You do have an effect on others around you. You can lead one person, you can lead a group, whichever the number, it is important for us to do. Having considered to serve in this role, I felt that I should step up, be accountable, lead where I can. Not out of debt, but out of the sake of sharing with these men and continuing to build our F3 community.
Leadership is the art of influencing or directing others in the accomplishment of a mission. The good news is we have a solid mission. If you are not sure what it is, take a look on our website. Make it part of your mission. Anytime I have taught a class, coached a team or led a project, I have become more knowledgeable and more engaged with the subject matter. So that is my expectation through this endeavor, to share and grow with you.
It is my honor to humbly serve you guys. Let’s have a great and engaging year together.
Daisy (East Side Nantan)