Always by Example, F3_TheBoo

I knew that this was coming sooner or later, since I said I was willing at our last AOQ meeting; I just thought it would be later. After Vila informed me on Slack that I was next up to write for the newsletter, I started thinking about what I would write. How could I inspire my fellow PAX? I am not fighting a battle against cancer like our brother Harbaugh–love ya brother! And my story is not one of losing a lot of weight. But I don’t want to fall into the trap of comparing myself to others, because we all have something in us that can inspire others; we just don’t always realize it until it happens.

My story is similar to so many around F3 Nation. I thought I was doing alright; I had a good job, wife and a couple of kids. I hung out with friends and neighbors, which was really just drinking and talking about superficial stuff and complaining about parts of our lives. But we never talked about how to really change it. I worked out sporadically and was always on the pogo 20. But at that time the Sad Clown life was the way it was. In fact, I was pretty content to live that life and just cruise along the Sad Clown highway.

All that changed when Osceola, who I worked within the engineering world, invited me to a workout group in the neighborhood (Carolina Bay) in May 2016. I accepted without much hesitation; I needed to lose a few pounds and get in better shape, right? I did not realize until later that this workout was the launch of a new F3 AO or that my life was about to change, a lot. I remember how I felt after that first workout. I had not felt that way since I was an out of shape Knob starting at The Citadel. I was BEAT DOWN! But I decided to come back because I needed the exercise. Boy! Did I get more than that.

I think about how my life has changed since that first boot camp. I am in better shape. I have run a half marathon and actually enjoy things like the P70, the Tour de Charleston and the Greenway Giddy-Up. But as we all know F3 changes so much more than just our bodies. I have met men in the gloom that are now my brothers. We push each other to be better physically, mentally and spiritually. My faith has grown stronger with weekly bible study and having others of strong faith to walk with, and sometimes carried by, along the path. I have men in my life that when we get together for a drink we still talk about our favorite sports teams, but we also talk about the parts of life that really matter and share what is in our hearts. We serve other men who are trying to right their path at Star Gospel Mission every second Sunday by bringing them breakfast and showing them that others care. But most importantly these men push me to be a better husband and father.

And it is always by example.

F3 may be the best thing that has ever happened to me, after my family. I have said many times that I didn’t know I needed it until I had it. I have a friend that I finally got out to boot camp on August 6th. Toby (F3 name) texted me that weekend and said he should have done it a long time ago. I had been EHing him for over a year. He realizes he needed it now that he has it. Don’t keep the joy of F3 to yourself! Share it with all those Sad Clowns out there that need it, but just don’t know it yet.


-The Boo