PAX: Betty Crocker, Palin, Golden Bear, Bandit, Johnny Utah, Leachate, Teen Wolf, FNG Lumineer, HVAC
Warm UP
10 Air circles
25 SSH
10 IPW
10 Daisy Pickers
10 Burpees OYO
“The Thang”
Football Indian Run w/Merkin penalties for drops
Curb Merkins – 10 w/both hands on curb, rotate 90° and 10 w/left hand on curb, rotate and 10 w/both feet on curb, rotate and 10 w/right hand on curb.
Bear Crawl from curb to curb
Toy Box to get blocks
Catch Me if You Can w/blocks around the big loop with 10 Hand Release Merkins each stop
100 BBSU
200 Merkins — Pacer ran small loop
300 Squats
25 Flutter Kicks
Welcome FNG “Lumineer”
Talked about difference between Thank-fullness and Graciousness.
Prayers for healing for Trojan, his daughter, and Betty Crockers daughter.