AO: Delta Echo QIC: Skyline PAX: 15 Football Q, Round 2

PAX: GoldenBear, Bandit, LizardsThicket, BettyCrocker, JohnnyUtah, Lumineer, PileDriver, TeenWolf, HBC, Screech, Trojan, Otto, HokeyPokey, CreditCheck, Skyline

Concrete Grabbers 10 (IC)
Hillbillies 10 (IC)
SSH 25 (IC)
Mountain Climbers 25 (IC)

The Thang
Split into 2 teams. Team 1 calls out exercise and launches football as far as possible and starts doing reps. Team 2 sprints to football after it hits the ground. At arrival, everyone does 10 Merkins and sprints back to tag someone on Team 1 in order for them to stop reps. Teams switch roles for same exercise. Team with the individual that does the most reps gets a point and gets to pick next exercise. Rince and repeat. Team with lowest point total at the end does 10 burpees.

Team 2 wasn’t messing around as they pulled off a 5 – 2 victory. Exercises included block curls, LTs, 8 count body builders, flutter kicks, freddy mercuries, seal jacks, hand release merkins, shoulder press, and crunchy frogs

Special shout out to CreditCheck (hype man before / after workout), HokeyPokey (time keeper), and BettyCrocker (score keeper) for your help!

During the Thanksgiving holiday it is important to take time to appreciate all of the blessings each of us have around us. In addition, let’s recognize that many of these blessings surround us year round and ensure we find ways to acknowledge these and express our gratitude to those who provide them.

Prayer Requests
Trojan for the rapid healing of him and his 2.0
All of those experiencing the holiday season for the first time without a friend, family member, or loved one. May they find peace during this time.

LizardsThicket for his celebration of his 15 year wedding anniversary