AO: Early Bird 🦅 at DeltaEcho
PAX: Gunner, Greenhorn, Screech, Otto, & YHC for the Q!
Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Concrete Grabbers 10 (IC), and SSH’s 25
The Thang:
100 Curls w/ Pavers
100 Tricep Extensions w/ Pavers
50 Overhead Presses w/ Pavers
20 @HBC ‘s
50 @PileDriver ‘s
200 LBC’s
200 Flutterkicks
200 Freddy Mercuries
200 SSH’s
And a lot of small mosey’s
Great work today!
Prayer Requests:
Mumblechatter was on point today so we ran long on the workout had to rush
through this
Discussed a situation where I prayed for something on an individual basis,
and God answered!! Talked about having the relationship to ask God
specifically to receive a gift!
“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will
receive, and your joy will be complete.”
John 16:24 NIV
Read these words below 👇👇and apply it!!!!
#ATD!! As if it were your last day