AO: Early Bird at DeltaEcho Q: HBC 3 PAX enjoyed the cool morning

AO: Early Bird at DeltaEcho


PAX: Otto, Lizards 🦎 Thicket, and YHC for the Q!

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC) and SSH’s 25 (IC)

The Thang:

Small mosey to the Toy Box…

200 Curls w/ Pavers

200 Tricep Extensions w/ Pavers

200 Merkins

200 LBC’s

200 Freddy Mercuries

200 Flutterkicks

200 Starfish Crunches

400 SSH’s

And a lot of small mosey’s…

Great work today!

Prayer Requests:

Nacho Libre & consultation w/ attorney for back issues

My back

Covered Dish’s wife & family

The state of our Country in certain areas.


Discussed the issues with my back recently and the pain of missing the
workouts, but the importance of listening to the body & being present for
your brothers when needed.

Don’t miss out on your relationship with Christ, listen when he speaks
however he does that to you, and be a spiritual presence for others!!

#ATD!! As if it were your last day

