AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho Q: HBC 2k Reps!

AO: Early Bird 🦅 Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: 3; Otto, Lizards 🦎 Thicket, and YHC

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Concrete Grabbers 10 (IC), and SSH’s 25

The Thang:

30 Reverse Lunges (each leg)

50 HBC’s w/ Pavers

50 Lunges

100 Starfish Crunches

150 Squats

150 LBC’s

150 Flutterkicks

150 Freddy Mercuries

150 Overhead Presses w/ Pavers

150 Curls w/ Pavers

150 Tricep Extensions w/ Pavers

150 Merkins

500 SSH’s

And a lot of interval short mosey’s

Right at 2k Reps!

Great work today!

Prayer Requests:

La-Z-Boy’s Father-in-law

Otto’s kids at school

Teachers, students, & parents


Go out and be productive & prosperous! Make it happen

Read these words below 👇👇and apply it!!!!

#ATD!! As if it were your last day

