AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho Q: HBC 5 PAX got some MFT loving…

AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: 5; Otto, Toy Story, Tablesaw, Pile Driver, & YHC for the Q!

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Toy Soldiers 10 (IC), Concrete Grabbers 10 (IC), SSH’s 25 (IC)

The Thang:

Big Loop Mosey then to the toy box…

5 Individual flips of LBT

20 MFT flips w/ partner

25 Early Bird BBS-U’s (new exercise)

50 BBS-U’s

25 Burpees

4-50 yard Shit Brick Slides

50 Curls w/ Pavers

50 Tricep Extensions w/ Pavers

50 Freddy Mercuries

25 Overhead Press w/ Pavers

25 Curls w/ Cinder Blocks

100 SSH’s

Combined 4 mosey’s for 1 mile run!

Prayers & Announcements: #Prayer-Request Channel

Pile Driver’s best friend back home BRIAN having some marital issues

Pray for a quick recovery for Pile Driver (pulled his hamstring today)

Pray for continued healing for Trojan & his daughter!!


Talked & Discussed being Thankful for just being born in America & the upbringing from my parents instilling Christian beliefs in me, and Thankful for ALL of God’s blessings for me and all the PAX at F3!

Great job guys!!


#ATD!! As if it were your last everyday!!