AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho Q: HBC PAX: 5 Embraced the suck, & embraced the rain to get better!

AO: Early Bird Special at DeltaEcho


PAX: 5; Otto, Hokey Pokey, WCBDFY, Body Karate, and YHC

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Concrete-Grabbers 10 (IC), Hillbillies 10 (IC), SSH’s 25 (IC)

The Thang:

50 Burpees

200 Merkins

200 LBC’s

200 Freddy Mercuries

200 Reverse Lunges

200 Squats

250 SSH’s

1300 Reps! Not too shabby considering the weather! Great work guys!

Prayers & Announcements: #Prayer-Request Channel


Enjoy the benefits and blessings God gives us, enjoy the rain!! Be thankful for it we need it! The rain may be inconvenient for the workout or delay our plans…

But slow down in life to be thankful for what’s around us!! Enjoy it, embrace it! Be thankful for all of the blessings we receive!