Delta Echo
Q: Nacho Libre
8 PAX: @HBC @Otto @Pile Driver @Body Karate @TarHeel @HVAC @Screech
10 Concrete grabbers IC
Stretch 1 minute on your own
-The Thang:
21’s with Merkins and Burpees
After each person finished set 16 and 5, they brick slide to tree ( half
loop), then mosey back, and went back to set. Once they reached set 11 and
10, mosey to brick, and finished brick slide back. Once back, each person
finished the workout of 21’s.
It’s all about a relationship with Jesus. Understanding that if we can
approach Christ with the same love, attitude, and mentality that we do with
the one we love the most, how much of a difference would our walk with HIM
be? Understanding that a walk with Christ isn’t a set of rules, but a love
that makes us realize we don’t want to offend the one we love the most.
Example used was my relationship with my wife, and how much I love her. I
know there are things my wife likes and dislikes. I mess up, all too human,
but I strive to not do things that would hurt or offend my wife. How much
more should we have that same mentality with our Savior? Once we truly can
look at Christ through eyes that adore and love him, not as a set of rules,
but as someone in a relationship not wanting to hurt the one we love,
change begins to happen.