AO: Indigo Rebellion QIC: Pile Driver Pax: @Slippers @Plunger_SteveCavanaugh @Swinger @Covered Dish @Cardinal Law Warmup:20IC arm cricle/ circle arms10IC love me’s 10IC Grass Getters Stretch 100 SSH 50 Merkins Long loop .58mi to Awning The Thang “7 come 11″11’s Derkins and Dips11’s Australian mt climbers and Squats (both IC)Mosey to playground 11’s pull ups and Ruthies (IC Incline Press)Aborama:@Plunger_SteveCavanaugh =15IC box cutters @Slippers =30 IC Oblique crunch (25IC each side)@Cardinal Law =15 big boys@Covered Dish = hold dying cockroach position 60 sec@Swinger = 15 V ups @Pile Driver = 15IC Freddies Mosey to the :us: Count/Name-O-Rama Galatians 3: 28There is neither jew nor gentiles, nither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.We are all made in Gods Image. We are one nation of brothers and sisters in Christ, saved by his grace. Tune out any message of Division and Hate, in any form they are presented. Our greatest impact is in our immediate family and local community. This is where our focus should be! Our guide to Unity is simple; Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself. (There is a huge difference between Simple and Easy). Pledge :us: Anoucments: Convergence. Blood Drive.Praise: Cody (healing). Saturday’s service project.Prayers: @Hatchet, @Fiddler Strong work men!P.D.Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device