AO: Indigo Rebellion
PAX: 6; Toxic, Pile Driver, Cardinal Law, Hawkeye, Khakis, and YHC!
Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Grass-getters 10 (IC)
The Thang:
10 HBC AB’s w/ Cinder Blocks
20 Chicken Peckers
50 SSH’s
100 Big-Boy Sit-Ups
100 Merkins
100 Burpees
150 Freddy Mercuries
One mosey lap of “Catch Me If You Can” w/ Cinder Blocks & Burpees
Interval running/mosey’s totaling 3 miles!
Prayers & Announcements: #Prayer-Request Channel
Prayed for Todd Cathcart & Family
Prayed for Harbaugh
Prayed for Betty Crocker’s sister Toska
Prayed for Michael Bolton’s situation
Prayed for Washup & Chopper and their situation!
We come to F3 and we workout, so we get to exercise our physical state…, but what about exercising our Faith muscles???!!!
We need to be in a routine of exercising our Faith muscles as well, and that can start by having a constant relationship with God by praying.
Understanding that not everything in life will go the way we want it to, but by exercising our Faith muscles and having a relationship with God, we can get through things we never thought were possible.