AO: Indigo Rebellion Q: HBC PAX: 9 PAX showed up to play w/ some sand…

AO: Indigo Rebellion


PAX: 9; Toxic, Hawkeye, Swinger, Duck Tales, Pile Driver, Slippers, Tackleberry, FNG Dave Ramsey, and YHC!

Warm-up: 10 (IC) Imperial Walkers, 10 (IC) Hillbillies, 10 (IC) Grass-Grabbers, and 25 (IC) SSH’s

The Thang:

60-lb Sandbag drags w/ Planks 100 Yards

60-lb Sandbag throws w/ Merkins 100 Yards

100 Yard Bear Crawl

100 Merkins

150 Freddy Mercuries

150 LBC’s

60 HBC’s

60 Air Traffic Controllers

25 Box Jumps

10 Burpees

And a few mosey’s

Prayers & Announcements: #Prayer-Request Channel


Are we truly helping others…,? Or are they just words out of the mouth w/ no actions to follow?

Have you done anything for someone lately w/ no self-interest in mind, knowing it was just the right thing to do?

Be a leader who leads by actions…, not just empty words out of your mouth!