AO: IndigoRebellion Q: HBC 15 PAX embraced the humidity this morning!

AO: IndigoRebellion


PAX: 15; Gandolf, Covered Dish, WCBDFY, Otto, Plunger, Also Ryan, Hard Hat,
Lizards Thicket, Hatchet, Crop Duster, Glow POP, Pile Driver, Slippers,

and YHC for the Q!

Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Hillbillies 10 (IC), Grass Getters 10
(IC), and SSH’s 25 (IC)

The Thang:

25 HBC AB’s w/ Cinder Blocks

35 8-Count Body-builders

50 Diamond Merkins

50 HBC’s w/ Bricks

100 Curl & Press w/ Bricks

100 Flutterkicks

100 Freddy Mercuries

100 LBC’s

400 SSH’s

3 Long mosey’s…

Great work today!

Prayer Requests:

Otto’s Uncle

Cardinal Law’s wife & family

Covered Dish’s wife & family

The state of our Country in certain areas.


Faith…, let that sink in for a few…

Where does your Faith lye? In perception, reality? Discussed the importance
of the 3rd F, what it means to me, gave a brief description (you needed to
be there to experience it), but how it can shape how you move in life.

My faith pushes me everyday to be the best I can be with God’s guidance to
hopefully be an impactful person for those that I come across.

#ATD!! As if it were your last day

