AO Park West; Beast Side; 12/12/19 Q Bobber

AO Park West; Beast Side; 12/12/19

@FEMA @jongresh-lfd and Bobber shared some quality time on a brisk morning under a full moon at the hills of Park West. A warm-up of the typical suspects was followed by a light mosey which included the Brazilian Light Warm-up over to the CMU shed. Grab 2 CMUs and, because we can, Farmers Carry over to the pull-up bars. (Yep, it’s a Bobber workout so you have to expect that pull-ups are happening.)

Now it’s time for the Murph Want a Be – 5 pull-ups, run to the bottom of the Ant Hill, 10 Mericans, run to the top of the Ant Hill, 15 Squats, run to the bottom of the Ant Hill, and 20 4-count Flutter Kicks. Then run to the pull-up bars and do it all over again and again and again. It ended up being about 25 minutes worth. (For those of you who don’t know about our Ant Hill and want to do the Murph Want A Be, all runs are about a 30 yard distance). Then, only because we were out of time, pick up the CMU’s and Farmers Walk back to put them up. Return to the flag and close it out.

The COT was rather brief and short, but the reality is that the entire work out was a COT. LFD asked the question “During this past year, name one thing where you recognize God was at work in your life.” Sounds like a simple question but guys being guys the sharing was slow to come. However, the discussion among three guys the entire work out in the gloom was rather inspiring. Let’s not forget that despite all the many differences in age, background, employment, and family, there are a lot of similarities. While guys generally tend to not talk about it there are a lot of things that we all struggle with even though we may think we’re the only ones. It reminds me that during this glorious Christmas season which is filled with joy, let us not forget that it can also be a time of sadness, worry and down right dred. Especially around family issues, so, if you’re struggling with any of that, or anything else, please speak up with one of your brothers; if you discern that one of your brothers is struggling, see what you can do. You don’t need to wait for an invitation. Just like for the same reason we don’t use spr&!*#%eets at our AO, if we see one who needs help it’s time for the “Next Man Up.”

The sermon is over. Go out into the world and live it.

Pax: FEMA, LFD, Bobber (Q)