Whiskey Alpha
Q: Credit Check
PAX: @OG @Greenhorn @Eckersley @Huggies.. @Fiddler @Quint FNG Oxy and YHC @credit_check
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Squat stretch
SSH’s x 10 IC
Short mosey to back of AO
+The Thang+
Partner up
Burpees x 50
Overheard claps x 100
Merkins x 150
Big boy sit-ups x 200
Squats x 250
Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs across parking lot and back (100 yards) then switch.
Short mosey to block pile.
-Block work
Curls for the girls x 15 IC (2 sets)
Shoulder press x 15 (2 sets)
Bent over row x 10 IC (2 sets)
Block merkins x 10 IC
SSH’s x 10 IC
Yesterday a traffic fatality, a friend’s mother died, another friend had to put their dog down, another friend’s child diagnosed with Leukemia, many are fighting cancer and ailments-GO HOME AND HUG YOUR FAMILY. You never know when your last day will come. Reach out to family or friends that you might have a disagreement with and settle the dispute. Difficult times with your wife? Swallow your pride and make things right.
Continued prayers for Greenhorn’s dad.
Welcome FNG Oxy or is it Oxi? You tell me @Fiddler @Huggies..
Great work, fellas!