AO: WhiskeyAlpha
PAX: 17, Ratatouille, Gunner, Loyla FNG (sp???), Greenhorn, La-Z-Boy,
CreditCheck, Nacho Libre, Chubbs, Uber, HVAC, Mudslide, Huggies, Flying J,
Michael Bolton, Fiddler, Kermit, and YHC for the Q!!
Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 15 (IC), Asphault Grabbers 10 (IC), Hillbillies
10 (IC), SSH’s 25 (IC), and Stretch 2 minutes
The Thang:
First set…
125 Curls (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
75 Tricep Extensions (IC) w/ Bricks
50 Crossjacks
100 SSH’s
50 Tricep Extensions (IC) w/ Bricks
Second set…
100 Curls (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
50 Tricep Extensions (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
50 Crossjacks
100 SSH’s
50 Tricep Extensions (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
3rd set…
100 Freddy Mercuries (IC)
100 LBC’s OYO
100 Starfish Crunches (IC)
50 Flutterkicks
These were all done in this order!! No break
4th set…
50 Merkins
25 Curls (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
50 Merkins
25 Tricep Extensions (IC) w/ Bricks 🧱
100 SSH’s (IC)
2150 Reps…
I feel like I’m forgetting a few things…
Prayer Requests:
Screech and the passing of his father
Greenhorn’s Dad
Uber’s Aunts son (???)
Chubbs wife’s brother had brain surgery
Covered Dish
Dave Ramsey
Nacho Libre w/ surgery & issues w/ job & insurance
Michael Bolton gave the COT
#ATD!! As if it were your last day