AO: WhiskeyAlpha
PAX: 14; Fiddler, AFIB from Naperville, Otto, Nick, Big House, La-Z-Boy,
Eckersley, Froggy Fresh, Uber, CreditCheck, Michael Bolton, Rachel, Gunner,
and YHC for the Q!
1 viewing of Merlot Splashing displayed itself below…
Warm-up: Imperial Walkers 10 (IC), Asphault Getters 10 (IC), Hillbillies
10 (IC), SSH’s 25 (IC)
The Thang:
100 Diamond Merkins
100 Freddy Mercuries
100 LBC’s
150 SSH’s
.25 Loop Mosey…
100 Regular Merkins
100 Freddy Mercuries
100 LBC’s
150 SSH’s
.25 Loop Mosey…
50 8-Count Body-Builders
50 SSH’s
1 10-Count Stargazer…
.35 Loop Mosey back to Flag…
Great work today!
Prayer Requests:
Greenhorn’s Dad
Michael Bolton’s Mom
Nick’s Cousin
CreditCheck’s employee
TeenWolf w/ potential job
Covered Dish
Nacho Libre w/ surgery & issues w/ job
The state of our Country in certain areas.
Perception & Reality…
We are but just 1 person in this world…, easy to be missed, misplaced,
unnoticed potentially to ourselves in the big scheme of things…
But.., we are potentially 1 person’s whole world. Meaning, we probably
mean the world to at least one person.
What type of world are you displaying to them as perceived reality? Love?
Kindness? Patience? Humility? Or sinful qualities of greed? Selfish
actions? Hateful thoughts of others? Language? Judgment of others
intentions or actions?
Display that world as God would want it delivered to that 1 individual who
thinks the world of you!!
#ATD!! As if it were your last day