Delta Echo 2-26-20 Q-WCBDFY

AO: Delta Echo


PAX: @HBC @Bandit @Leachate @TeenWolf @Lumineer @Tackleberry @Screech @GoldenBear @JohnnyUtah @Mahoney @Trojan

Warm Up:
Windmills 15 IC
5 Burpees
I.W. 10 IC
4 Burpees
Toy Soldiers 10 IC
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
Concrete grabbers 10 IC
1 Burpees

Long mosey to the toy box to grab pavers and onto…

The Thang:
100 Merkins SC
100 Carolina dry docks SC
75 Flutter kicks IC
30 Lowcountry Crabs IC
50 Squats SC
100 SSH IC
50 LBC’s SC
75 Curls SC
75 Tricep extension SC
70 Bent over Flys SC
75 Overhead presses SC
2 25 yard shit Brick slides
2 random short moseys

800 total reps for the work out. Not in any particular order.

Convergence at Indigo Rebellion March 14

Prayers for OG mom
Otto dad
And all on the prayer request channel.

Getting out of bed at 4:30 isn’t for the non committed. Keep doing what your doing and be proud to stand next to your fellow F3 brothers.