Sign up using the button below. If you have a team already, sign up your team on the first tab of the spreadsheet. If you are looking to join a team, click over to the Free Agents tab to sign up and check it regularly to find other potential teammates. Lastly, whether you are on a team or by yourself, PLEASE ADD YOUR INFO TO THE SHIRT ORDER tab ASAP so we can get that shirt ordered for you. The tour shirts are buttery soft and slick as all get out.
Everyone who competes will get a shirt and a koozie. This is a charity event, so please stay tuned for optional donation information as we get closer to the date.
The What, Where, When...
WHAT: The Edge of Glory Relay is a four man beach relay competition open to all men over 18. The winning team will take control of the world champion belt for the next 365 days. Your team should consist of four members with the following skills:
- Runner (up to two heats of 1.5 mi each–max)
- “Swimmer” capable of wading out and doing a light swim around a buoy
- Bootcamper (think burpees and bearcrawls…crab walks are also a safe bet)
- Wild Card (Jack of all trades who may be called on to do anything!)
New for 2019: Legs will be done sequentially–like a real relay! After all legs are completed, the final phase will involve all four team members working together. All teams will compete in TWO separate heats. Like last year, their will be ways before the event to gain an advantage in the first heat. Stay tuned for more on that!
WHERE: Folly Beach (starting under the pier)
WHEN: Saturday, 9/21 at 0630 (should last about 2 hours) with optional coffeeteria to follow