Edge of Glory
Edge of Glory is back for round SIX! F3 Charleston’s premier relay CSAUP is back and bigger than ever. This year we have two new rounds to challenge teams on the road to the Folly Beach Championship. The finals will see the best of the best compete for The EOG Belt and for all the glory and swag that comes with it. New competitors welcome. Red woods welcome. Come on out and test your skills this September and October.
How to compete:
- Signup Now (start as a free agent or as a team and solidify as we get closer).
- Find a few other PAX to round out the 4 man relay team (or hop on an existing team)
- Win the Group round to advance
- Kick butt at the regional championship to earn an invite to the big dance
- Compete at the Folly Beach Championship for all the glory
Group Round Rules
Teams comprised of 2-4 men compete for a spot in the regional semi-final. There will be 4 individual legs and one team leg. The legs are as follows:
Leg 1. 1 Mile Run (approx.) – A single member of the team will run about a mile (depending on the course available at the AO). And will tag the next member of the team.
Leg 2. Four Station Block BC 10/20/30/40 – A single member of the team will sprint with a block from station to station completing the specified exercise. (Examples: a baseball diamond, four corners of a court or field.) Sprint with block to the first station and complete 10 Blockees (burpees with a block), then sprint to the second station for 20 Block Curls, then sprint to the third station and complete 30 Block Overhead Presses, then sprint to the fourth and final station to complete 40 block squats (standard squat with block in hand for added weight). Once the teammate completes all 40 squats they can tag off to the third teammate for…
Leg 3. 1 Mile Run (approx.) – Same as leg one. A single member runs the same run as was used in the first leg. Once completed, all members of the team work together for…
Leg 4. Team Leg – The team block must travel the same course as Leg 2 (that is, around the baseball diamond, the field or court) minus the pain stations. On a grass field, the block must move by Murder Bunny (small frog-like hops advancing the block with two hands. (NOTE: Please ask for a demonstration before the event starts if needed). On a court or parking lot, the block will be advanced by the “sh*t brick” method (eg, pushed by hand while always remaining in contact with the surface–leaving behind a nice skid mark). NOTE: Teams can complete this any way they see fit–For example, one member pushing it all the way, four members taking turns or anything in between. As long as the block completes the course, you are done.
Leg 5. Wild Card – The first team to complete the team leg will make the call: 1 mile run or four station block bc 10/20/30/40. Whatever is called, it must be adhered to by all teams. The final teammate will complete the called discipline and the first across the finish is the winner.
The results will be shared on slack and the EOG committee will invite the winners to the next round the following week.

To the edge and back…
As in previous years, we have a fundraising component to give back to the local community. This year, we do not require any entrance fee, but ask that you please donate to our Q4 service clubhouse build for Fenn. UPDATE (9/19): We have surpassed our fundraising goals for our Q4 project! Any additional money collected will go to “Pickle’s People” run by our vary own F3 Chuck to be used for future projects benefiting families fighting childhood cancers. Thank you to all who donated so far!
Group Round – September 20-25 at an AO near you! (check slack for groupings and specific group schedule. This will be in the gloom during a regularly scheduled bootcamp)
Regional Final – September 29th 0530 two regional championships to crown our East and West winners and qualify teams for the big dance
Folly Beach Championship – October 2nd 0700-0900 for all the glory! All the qualifying teams converge by the Folly Beach Pier to tough it out.
At Large Teams
Coming from out of town? Or are you a free agent looking to get some excitement in on Folly at the Championship? At-large teams don’t represent a particular F3 Charleston AO, but can compete against our local teams. They may not win The Glory Belt or be crowned the best AO of F3 Charleston, but they will go home with the plenty of free swag and the bragging rights of being crowned the best EoG team in the world! Come on out and see what all of the excitement is about.
And please consider donating at the link above. Ultimately, this is about the passion for our local community. Especially the most vulnerable of us who could use some help in a big way!
Vila, Al Gore, Misdemeanor, Faulkner