My story is very similar to most. After being EH’ed by Lumberjack, I decided to join him on a Saturday late in June 2017 at The Grove, Governor’s Park, Daniel Island. I didn’t know what to expect other than some sort of boot camp style workout. But wow, I was smoked and realized I was missing something. I definitely had a void in my life and was immediately hooked. Now the AO Q, I can definitively say that day changed my life. Without his persistence and dedication, I would still be the old Sad Clown going through life’s motions of being out of shape (1st F) with no sense of camaraderie (2nd F), and being spiritually empty(3rd F).
Let’s talk about the first F – Fitness. Throughout my life, I thought I was somewhat in shape at 35 as I have always carried a gym membership. I was a member of Planet Fitness and found myself struggling to find time to go with the hustle and bustle of work and raising two toddlers. There was so much inconsistency where I couldn’t find a groove or time. I would tend to ‘squeeze’ in a workout or two during their nap time over the weekend. It wasn’t until after the first post, I realized how physically, mentally, and spiritually out of shape I was. Generally, I am an early riser and the gloom was perfect for me. I immediately became obsessed with this new “judgment-free zone”. There are so many benefits that I get from posting. I definitely sleep better at night and have more energy throughout the day. I certainly can tell a difference when I hit the occasional fartsack. Another obvious benefit for me from posting is my attitude and I am slower to anger.
With regard to the second F – Fellowship, I have established a routine of posting at The Phoenix (Mondays), The Grove (Wednesdays and Saturdays), and The Pit (Fridays). I can genuinely say that the group of men that I have met encourages me in so many different ways. For me, The COT sets the tone for my day. The praises and prayer coupled with the workout set the tone not only for my day but for the week. These men generally care for each other and My brothers keep me posting regularly and now that I’m approaching 38, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I am in the best shape of my life.
Now on to the third F- Faith. I didn’t sign up to write this newsletter but was appointed this particular month a year ago. Not knowing what I would say, was obviously God’s Timing. I am a member of the Seacoast “Cult” and we just started a series called Welcome Home. The focus of this series is to Find God while discovering our purpose for him. We all have different gifts that we can use to grow his kingdom and we are meant to be part of something greater than ourselves. So what is our purpose or calling? I believe our purpose is to show others his love for us.
We should be doing this regularly at home, in our communities, and vocationally. Matthew 4:19 Jesus says “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Isn’t this F3’s purpose to follow him and fish for other men? This passage speaks to me as it gives me encouragement to invite and go after more FNGs so they can experience what we have. Let us all make a commitment this fall to reach out to our Brothers that have perpetually fartsacked and go after new Brothers that need what we have.
Let’s do what we are called and be Fishers of men!!!!