Hills of Park West, 11/18/19, @Prius

Large Muscle Group Monday
Good Mornings X 10 SC
Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
Hillbillies X 15 IC
3rd grade X 15 IC
Mountain Climbers X 15 IC
Australian Mountain Climbers X 10 IC
Wall Sit X 20 silent 20 count
Fence Dericans X 10 IC
Fence Americans X 10 IC

Indian Run long way to the track. The lights were on for a second week in a row so perfect conditions for the following:

11’s with 50 meter run in between and at one end with Diamond Mericans and the other end Widegrip Mericans

4 Corners
1st lap monkey humpers X 20 IC
Pretzels at the cut out
Right leg x 25 IC
Left leg x 24 IC
2nd lap gorilla squats x 20 IC

Mosey to ant hill for suicides and at each tier do that levels number so 1/2/3/4

Back to the track for:
Lieutenant Dan’s multiples of 2 X 5 IC
Jack Webb’s multiples of 2 X 10 IC

Mosey back to the flag
COT – thankful for all the Pax who show up to make us all better together. Upcoming events: GGU 11/23
Convergence at Marion Square 12/7 and Windwood Farms Service Project afterwards

Pax: Asterisk, Big DIF, Mr Rogers, Microwave
EC: Dirty Bird, Tugga
Q: Prius