Hills of Park West aka LA Backblast 12/2/19

Warm Up:
SSH IC x 20
Seal Jacks IC x 10
Widegrip Merkins IC x 10
Michael Phelps IC x 10
Ray Lewis IC x 10
IW’s IC x 10
HB’s IC x 10

Mosey to the CMU’s with each Pax taking one coupon to the track.

Settle in on the concrete slab for circle of CMU
CMU’s exercises were all completed with the CMU in the vertical position or in line with the torso

3 Rounds of the following with a lap following each where MOT was either mosey, karaoke, sprint or Bernie but within that lap lay 4 corners of ab exercises
Reps as follows: 10 for 1st Round, 20 for 2nd and 30 for 3rd
Goblet Squats SC
Curls IC
Block Merkins SC (with round 2 alternating between right hand on CMU then left hand on CMU, 10 each hand)
CMU swings SC OYO

Lap 1 – Flutter Kicks IC x 20
Lap 2 – Reverse Pickle Pounders IC x 10
Lap 3 – Pretzels (alternating legs on corners) IC x 10

As a bonus on lap 3 while on the far side of the track we made our way to the ant hill for PAX choice suicide, exercises OYO
Tier 1 – 10 Merkins
Tier 2 – 20 Monkey Humpers
Tier 3 – 30 LBCs
Tier 4 – 40 Freddie Mercury’s

As a double bonus we made our way to the pull up bars for 2 rounds of AMRAP divided between the following:
pull ups
leg lifts

Last 2 corners of pretzel and then CMU’s away back to the flag.

Because we can:
Jack Webb’s X 7 IC x 2

COT: Praise for Rat’s newborn daughter! Convergence this Saturday 12/7 at Marion Square. Carpool for those interested departing PW 0615 hrs. Windwood Farms Christmas decorating to follow.

PAX: @Big Dif, @Asterisk, @Microwave, @Mr Rogers
Q: @Prius