QIC: @toxic
PAX: @swinger, @glowpop, @cardinallaw, @piledriver, @slippers, @ducktails
SSH x 30 IC
Burpees x 11
Grasshopper Merkins x 10 (right leg lifted), x 10 (left leg lifted)
Big Boys x 25
Grass Grabbers x 10 IC
The Thang:
11s – Box Jumps and Squats
1 mile run with partner – one partner runs with cinder block and passes onto other partner when fatigued. Teams stop every 200m and EACH partner performs the following exercises:
Lap 1 -25 merkins, 50 arm curls w/ blocks (2x)
Lap 2 – 25 Bonnie Blairs, 50 Squats (2x)
Lap 3 – 25 Freedom Twists, 50 Flutter Kicks (2x)
Lap 4 – 25 Cinder Block Rows, 50 Caroline Dry Docks (2x)
All of us have situations in life where we worry and stress constantly. In these situations, we typically have 2 options:
- Stress and Worry which means we are trying to control the situation….OR
- PRAY and let God control the situation
Let’s allow God to control more situations. In my experience, we’re better off with him in charge rather than ourselves. I challenge us men this week to take a deep breath and say a quick prayer whenever one of these stressful situations arise.
· The F3 men of Indigo Rebellion have begun reading the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. Chapter 1 to be complete by Saturday, 10/19/19; Coffeeteria at Sunrise Bistro after the 7am post to discuss. Swinger brought copies of the books, Toxic will have more on Thursday.
· Continue to pray for all of the F3 men going through financial constraints/injuries/relationship struggles/etc.
· Pray for Slippers and his family as they travel to Niagara Falls